Friday, September 11, 2009

Content is King

I can't believe I haven't started a post on copywriting.

It's one of the biggest struggles I face as a designer.

I can make anything look good, I believe "anything."

But design can't stand alone, it needs content that helps motivate or inspire the reader, and is the backbone to the "there there."

Good design can stop someone in their tracks saying "Hey check me out!"

But if I stop and check out your stuff and you don't repay me by giving me some relevant copy that I will find useful, you'll lose me as quickly as your got me.

Hence my desire and focus on how to write better copy and content, which for a designer that uses a completely different element of his brain, this quest is one of the biggest challenges I have ever faced.

Here's an article that goes into great detail as to why content is king as much now as it ever was.

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