Here is a n interesting read about using wordpress as a solution for your small business.
I am anxious to get to the bottom of how to design a wordpress template, because I also agree that this solution is a good one to use, But it seems like the concept to word press is that it is designed for the non technical person to get online quickly.
Which in my opinion is no different than using the typical solutions offered by typical web hosting companies.
I would like to be able to add customization and to be able to develop the sites from scratch using word press. So I can use my expertise in designing a well designed website that fits your company and communicates well to your target audience, without using a template that any and everybody else could and does use.
I am hoping to get to the bottom of this soon, and when I do I believe we will have an entirely new service offering to out clients that will be easy to maintain look great functions well and be able to "connect" with potential clients...
To generalize all the possibilities into two distinct options, one is an approach or using open source solutions like WordPress or Joomla while the other is a completely custom approach.
My take on this is that a custom approach is always the best, I say this because I am a professional graphic designer who believes in designing any marketing piece (online or off) tailored to how it will best relate to the targeted audience.
This approach puts the customer first then fits all design decisions around this customer.
While this approach can be effective it is extremely time consuming and costly. This approach will usually range from $10,000 to $20,000 and in some circumstances can go even hier than this.
So what is a business owner to do when wanting to get their company online and can't even fathom spending that kind of dough?
The second solution would be right for them.
Open source solutions such as WordPress and Joomla are free or low cost solutions that a company can utilize right away. the draw back is that these solutions are limited in terms of targeting their branding to a specific audience. Another draw back is that these designs typically follow the same layout. Making it hard to separate your website from another.
Before you through in the towel and say well I'll just wait until I have the 20 grand laying around before I get a website, I would suggest looking into this article, that showcases all the ways you can "pimp out your website".
You can use plugins to add value rich featured to these otherwise dry websites to try and increase the overall impression of your site.
Which I would recommend doing if a fully branded website is above your current budget...
but of course if you would like to get that fully branded website started please don't hesitate to click on this get started link.
Its the first of many steps we can take to design something really special, together.
Tutorial on how to set up and develop a WordPress Website
how to design cool post headings
Showcase of a site that used a traditional wordpress solution then "upgraded" its designs and features to keep up with the times,
they point out their improvements which could be considered when starting a new blog design
Heres an interesting article on what should go into a good blog design
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