Friday, August 7, 2009

The importance of being validated

I recently was asked by a client why it was important that their website be validated.

The errors appeared to be programming technical terms that didn't really seem to influence the functioning of the website.

My response was if you want Google to index your site you should fix all errors.

If you would like to know how to check your website for validation errors.

If you are wondering, the w3 is the organization behind the www. inform of every URL so it is kind of like you are checking in with the internet "itself."

Simply plug in your URL and it will print out all errors that it finds.

If you get a green light with no errors "fantastic" you are fully accessible and not only will the search engines find your site and index it properly the handicapped folks out there will have a pleasurable experience with your site as well.

If you would like to learn more about this subject I refer you to an article written by a reputable design company based out of the UK

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